Hello folks, this is Stephen from Secrets of Tax Lien Investing. Tonight, we are doing the webinar. Now, I know we usually have the weekly webinar, and I was not sure exactly what my timetable would be and if I would be able to be by the computer with internet at the right time this evening. So, I was not able to. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and record a webinar and send it out to you guys to listen to. Tonight, we are going to be talking about how to get started with over-the-counter tax lien investing. We will talk about over two pounds of tax liens and over-the-counter tax deeds. We will go through exactly how to get started with tax lien and tax deed investing. We will have a lot of information to go over this evening. Also, if you're watching this at a later date, we will go through and look at some live over-the-counter tax liens you can purchase online. So, we've got a lot of information this evening, let's go ahead and get started. So, these are some of the topics that we are going to talk about today: - What is over-the-counter investing? - How does over-the-counter tax liens and deeds work? - Why does the county have over-the-counter properties? - What type of properties can I find in over-the-counter lists and sales? We're going to go through all this information and we're actually going to look at tax certificates online that you can purchase this evening. So, let's go ahead and talk about over-the-counter tax liens and deeds. First of all, I want to go over some quick basics just so we all have an understanding of what tax liens, tax deeds, and Redemption deeds are. I think it's important and we're going...
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Tax liens investing Form: What You Should Know
For further assistance please call toll-free at or email at Note: All PT AID tax lien purchases must be done over the phone, and PT AID will not process any form submitted online. How do I know if I'm getting the correct property? There are different ways to find out. You'll need the property tax assessment data for that address. The property assessment information is released by the county every three years. Step 1: To find the property, locate the address to which the tax lien was first recorded. To find the address, locate the street number: Look here: If your address begins with 5th Ave (5A), that means that that place is the first address of record; if it begins with 3rd Avenue (3A), that means that that place is the third address of record; and so on. In our examples above, the first and third addresses are 5A and 3A. If the first address is 3A, you'll know the address is indeed the first in terms of record. Step 2: Next, find the property tax parcel on which the tax lien was registered. Look here: This is the same way as above; go to 5A and 3A and look for the parcel that includes both the first and 3A addresses. It'll be a box next to that address. In our examples above, the first and third addresses are 5A and 3A. There is a different type of tax lien: the “tax lien of change” or BLOC. How do I protect my investment? At PT AID, we work closely with the community to protect your investment. We offer numerous programs to make your investment more secure. Tax Liens of Change A tax lien of change is a property tax certificate with an assessed value assigned to it by the county. The owner of the lien receives a monetary payment for the taxes, but is responsible for paying property taxes again if the owner vacates the property. Blocs do not go out of value. However, if you rent or sell, the tax lien does change over time. For example, if you sell to a tenant, the landlord will have to collect the taxes again.
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